User ID: Marius Gunnerud
SSOID: MariusGunnerud
ProjectId : 690601834
select sso_id, c_ccp_status from users where id = '319690'
userDetails output = {
"status" : "success",
"message" : "",
"http_code" : 200,
"data" : {
"type" : "users",
"list_item_type" : "user",
"size" : 1,
"items" : [ {
"type" : "user",
"sso_id" : "MariusGunnerud",
"c_ccp_status" : "Yes"
} ]
"metadata" : { }
SSO ID : MariusGunnerud
ccp_status : Yes
Transport error: 503 Error: Service Temporarily Unavailable at 21.apr.2024 23:59:37[No error description was available.]
FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #stop [in template "ccp-survey-commons" in macro "ccpSurveyCommonFunc" at line 9, column 15]
- Reached through: @ccpSurveyCommonFunc userId=userId pr... [in template "ccp-membership-survey.ftl" at line 91, column 10]
---- at 21.apr.2024 23:59:37
Time : 21.apr.2024 23:59:37
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