I am seeing a similar issue in 9.8(3) where the client's SonicWall is sending DPDs but we are not negotiating a MOBIKE session.
Is anyone else familiar with the following scenario?
Cisco ASA 9.8(3)
L2L using IKEv2
DfltGrpPlcy idle timeout 30minutes
SonicWall NSA 4600 -
Firmware: (
L2L using IKEv2
Sending constant DPDs to Cisco ASA
Tunnel passes interesting traffic to one host in the encryption domain, but not the second host, for 30minutes then both SAs drop and 4-5 minutes later a re-key occurs and both SAs re-establish.
Essentially, even though SA-1 is actively seeing interesting traffic to it's destination, the ASA drops the connection entirely because the SA-2 hasn't had traffic in 30minutes (since it's initialization).
SYSLOG only records "IKEv2 SA DOWN. Reason: unknown"
The client sends ICMPs to the production host, so I asked them to add another cron job to send them to the test host at the same frequency and the issue stopped occurring. Afterwards, I found the bug in the title (CSCvh14743) which is similar in nature, although it was supposed to be resolved in 9.8(3).