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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 10.11.34 AM.pngSpring is a great time to be in Boston, and the OpenStack Summit is a great place to engage with Cisco DevNet on everything Cisco is doing with OpenStack. We are proud to once again be sponsor the summit. We have a great lineup of demos featured in our booth and experts with whom you can chat to get answers to all things OpenStack@Cisco.

Want to get a jumpstart on things, visit our Open Source Dev Center at any time to access developer resources related to all things open source at Cisco, including a complete site dedicated to OpenStack.

For convenience, here is a list of the sessions with speakers from Cisco within the main conference, followed by what is happening in "The Cube" plus a list of demos featured in the Cisco booth in the Marketplace.


May 8, 11:15am-11:55amProject UpdatesProject Update - BarbicanDave McCowan, Douglas Mendizábal (Rackspace), Kaitlin Farr (Johns Hopkins)
May 8, 3:40pm-4:20pmArchitectural DecisionsDesigning Cloud Native Apps - Deep DiveCB Anantha Padmanabhan, Meenakshi Sundaram Lakshmanan, Rahul Upadhyay
May 8, 4:40pm-5:20pmArchitecture and Operations - NetworkingSecuring OpenStack NetworkingNaveen Joy
May 9, 11:15am-11:55amProject UpdatesProject Update - HorizonRob Cresswell, Richard Jones (Red Hat)
May 9, 2:50pm-3:00pmCommunity Building - Business and StrategyFinding the Balance between Open Source and Proprietary WorkDave McCowan, Douglas Mendizábal (Rackspace), Christopher Solis (IBM), Fernando Diaz
May 9, 2:50pm-3:30pmProject UpdatesProject Update - KollaSteven Dake
May 9, 3:40pm-4:20pmCommunity Building - Business and StrategyThe Evolution of the User Group: Facilitating OpenStack AdoptionGary Kevorkian, Lisa-Marie Namphy (OpenStack Bay Area Meetup), Beth Cohen (Verizon), John Studarus (OpenStack San Diego Meetup)
May 9, 3:40pm-4:20pmNetworkingFWaaS v2 - A New BeginningSridar Kandaswamy, Yushiro Furukawa (Fujitsu Ltd.), Chandan Dutta Chowdhury (Juniper Networks)
May 9, 4:40pm-6:10pmHands-On WorkshopBarbican Workshop - Securing the CloudDave McCowan, Douglas Mendizábal (Rackspace), Ade Lee (Red Hat), Kaitlin Far (JH-APL), Fernando Diaz

May 10, 9:00am-9:40am

Sponsored TrackThe Road Ahead for Cloud Computing PlatformsLew Tucker
May 10, 9:00am-9:40amArchitecture and Operations - Ops ToolsKolla-Kubernetes: Day 2 Operations Enable Sleep OptimizationPete Birley (independent), Serguei Bezverkhi, Steve Wilkerson (AT&T)
May 10, 9:50am-10:30amSponsored TrackCisco Advanced NetworkingShannon McFarland, Anne McCormick
May 10, 11:00am-11:40amSponsored TrackDeploying and Operating an NFV CloudNaren Narendra, Juan Ramon Acosta
May 10, 11:00am-11:40amCIO Cloud StrategyBite Off More Than You Can Chew, Then Chew It: OpenStack Consumption ModelsJonathan Kelly, Wlater Bentley (Rackspace), Tylet Britten (Red Hat, Moderator)
May 10, 11:50am-12:30pmSponsored TrackNetworking Policies Across Containers and VMsSanjeev Rampal and Himanshu Raj
May 10, 1:50pm-2:30pmEvaluating OpenStackEnterprise Cloud Offering Models and Service StrategiesRobert Douglas, Istvan Blasko
May 10, 4:30pm-5:10pmDevelopers - Big DataUsing OpenStack Orchestration for Big Data WorkloadsHart Hoover
May 11, 9:00am-9:40amCIO Cloud StrategyOpenStack's Digital Transformation OpportunityNiki Acosta (moderator), Kip Compton, Tim Yeaton (Red Hat), Al Sadowski (451 Research)
May 11, 9:50am-10:30amCommunity Building - DevelopersOpenStack Mentoring: The Ninja Becomes the SenseiEmily Hugenbruch (IBM), Anne McCormick, Amrith Kumar (Tesora), Trevor McCasland (AT&T), Chirag Shahani (Nuage Networks)
May 11, 10:05am-10:15amLightning TalksAdvanced Threat Prediction and Orchestration for Service Chains in SP CloudAman Sinha, CB Anantha Padmanabhan, Rahul Upadhyaya
May 11, 1:30pm-2:10pmBusiness and StrategyPanel from the Trenches: Will Containers Save Us?Christopher MacGown, Forrest Carpenter, Jonathan LaCour (DreamHost), Ben Cherian (InkTank Storage), Jesse Proudman (IBM Blue Box)
May 11, 5:00pm-5:40pmSecurityComparing the Barbican and Vault Security ModelsDave McCowan, Douglas Mendizábal (Rackspace)
OpenStack - The State of the StackLew Tucker
Women in the Open Source CommunitySandhya Dasu and Anne McCormick
IPv6Shannon McFarland
OpenStack in Telcos - NFV, OpenNFV, GluonIan Wells and Jerome Tollet
Cisco VIM/NFVIVamsi Kuppur and Ramnath Shenai
Metacloud - Neutron Leveraging ML2 + VPP in ProductionMetacloud (Hart Hoover, Jeremy Hopkins) and Open Source Projects (Jong Hahn, Quyen Dang)
Deploy Applications in OpenStackCisco CloudCenter (Kurt Milne)
Unified Neutron Plug-in for OpenStack on ACIACI (Ifti Rathore)
I look forward to seeing you in Boston. There is still time to register. For more info and to register, check out the main Open Stack Summit site.

Can't make it to Boston? Already have other commitments? No worries, catch us at DevNet Create, May 23-24 in San Francisco,

The IoT and cloud developer conference where applications meet infrastructure.

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If you have any questions regarding Cisco at the OpenStack Summit, the Open Source Dev Center, or DevNet, you can comment here or contact me directly, Charles Eckel @eckelcu

* Thanks to Gary Kevorkian and Jacqueline Carron-Cota for the table listing all the sessions.

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