em 09-18-2023 10:47 AM
-I tried to configure the interface tunnel on ASA5545 side:
"interface Tunnel1
nameif xxx
ip address
tunnel source interface outside
tunnel destination example.dnip.xx.com
ERROR: % Invalid Hostname"
is giving the error "invalid Hostname" ....
-But if i do a ping from the ASA5545 to "example.dnip.xx.com" it resolves the name and the ping´s work
-my dns configuration is:
DNS server-group DefaultDNS
dns domain-lookup outside
-How can i resolve this issue?
Best Regards
em 09-18-2023 10:56 PM
Hello @fcardoso,
Check here:
em 09-19-2023 04:03 AM
Hello M02@rt37
I check your post and other post https://community.cisco.com/t5/security-knowledge-base/using-hostnames-dns-in-access-lists-configuration-steps-caveats/ta-p/3123480/page/2 and i did the following conf:
object network obj.example.dnip.com
fqdn example.dnip.xx.com
access-list outside_access_in extended deny ip any object obj.example.dnip.com
access-list outside_access_in extended permit ip any any
-If i verify the acl and the dns seems to be OK:
show access-list outside_access_in
access-list outside_access_in line 3 extended deny ip any object obj.example.dnip.com (hitcnt=0)
access-list outside_access_in line 3 extended deny ip any fqdn example.dnip.xx.com (resolved)
access-list outside_access_in line 3 extended deny ip any host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (example.dnip.xx.com)
sh dns
Name: example.dnip.xx.com
Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx TTL 00:01:57
- But unfortunately the problem continues, I can't configure the tunnel destination using the hostname....any idea?
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