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VPN Ipsec (UP-ACTIVE) Je ne peux pas ping mon sous réseau

Level 1
Level 1

Bonjour à tous,

Je me permets de solliciter l'aide de la communauté. En ce moment, je suis en alternance au sein d'une entreprise et ma tâche principale consiste à mettre en place un VPN IPSec entre deux routeurs Cisco. Malheureusement, je rencontre un obstacle lorsque j'essaie de faire un ping du site1 vers le site2. Même si le statut du VPN est indiqué comme "UP-ACTIVE" et que les pings des interfaces publiques fonctionnent correctement, je n'arrive pas à établir la connectivité entre les deux sites.

J'ai vérifié minutieusement la configuration des routeurs, en m'assurant que les paramètres du VPN sont correctement définis et que les règles de pare-feu sont adéquates. Cependant, malgré mes efforts, je suis toujours confronté à ce problème.

J'ai également vérifié les journaux des routeurs pour des indications sur d'éventuelles erreurs ou avertissements, mais je n'ai rien trouvé de significatif qui puisse expliquer cette situation.

Avez-vous déjà rencontré un problème similaire dans vos expériences passées ? Auriez vous des idées sur ce qui pourrait causer ce dysfonctionnement ? Toute suggestion ou conseil serait grandement apprécié. (Configuration des routeurs ci-joint)

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide précieuse.


Solutions approuvées

when you apply NAT overload in Interface the traffic of IPsec is NAT before encrypt and this make VPN not work 

we need to deny traffic between two site from NAT overload to prevent NATing the traffic before encrypt 

below LAB see how traffic is drop because there is entry in show ip nat trans 
and after I correct NAT using route-map the traffic pass via IPsec VPN

Screenshot (190).pngScreenshot (191).pngScreenshot (192).pngScreenshot (193).pngScreenshot (194).png

Voir la solution dans l'envoi d'origine


I Dond speak French friend but you need to exclude traffic between local LAN to remote LAN from NAT overload


No worries, I'll try to speak English. I don't understand all the technical language in English. Could you please explain a bit more? Thank you for your response.

when you apply NAT overload in Interface the traffic of IPsec is NAT before encrypt and this make VPN not work 

we need to deny traffic between two site from NAT overload to prevent NATing the traffic before encrypt 

below LAB see how traffic is drop because there is entry in show ip nat trans 
and after I correct NAT using route-map the traffic pass via IPsec VPN

Screenshot (190).pngScreenshot (191).pngScreenshot (192).pngScreenshot (193).pngScreenshot (194).png

Thank you for your thorough and clear explanation. Based on your analysis, I am now aware of the implications of NAT overload on our IPsec VPN infrastructure. Your insights have shed light on how we should proceed to address this issue.

I take note of your suggestion to deny traffic between the two sites from NAT overload to prevent any alteration of traffic before encryption. I am determined to implement these adjustments to restore the proper functioning of the VPN.

I will keep you regularly updated on the progress made in implementing these changes, and I would welcome any additional guidance you may have throughout this process.

Once again, I express my gratitude for your expertise and ongoing support in resolving this issue. Your contribution is invaluable, and I am grateful to have your assistance.

Best regards,



I've delved into the Site to Site solution and made some progress, which is better than before, haha. However, I'm still encountering an issue, though it's improved.

Now, I can ping the Gi0/0/0 interface of Site 2 from Computer 1, and vice versa. It's a step forward, but it's not quite there yet. Unfortunately, I still can't ping from Computer 1 to Computer 2.

Do you have any solutions or advice for this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards, Thomas

Site to Site.png