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Diego Romero
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If you think you are experiencing high temperature problems on a specific module or the chassis itself ,this command can help you to identify the minimum and maximum threshold values for temperatures.

Not all the times is what it looks like.


In this case for example, the end user wasn’t getting logs regarding temperature problems but he thought the values for the supervisors were kind of high.



The Catalyst 6500 series switches are equipped with internal air temperature sensors that are triggered at 104°F (40°C) generating a minor alarm and at 131°F (55°C) generating a major alarm.  (The whole module)

When the temperature reaches about 60-65 degree Celsius, the switch can be shutdown automatically in order to prevent further hardware damage.

Threshold values cannot be modified on the chassis, and are set automatically to prevent damages.


According to this he saw the supervisor modules VS-SUP2T-10G a bit high and started to worry:


module 5 outlet temperature: 39C

  module 5 inlet temperature: 22C

  module 5 device-1 temperature: 37C

  module 5 device-2 temperature: 35C

  module 5 asic-1 temperature: 51C

  module 5 asic-2 temperature: 37C

  module 5 asic-4 temperature: 51C

  module 5 asic-5 temperature: 47C

  module 5 asic-7 temperature: 47C

  module 5 asic-8 temperature: 54C

  module 5 RP outlet temperature: 36C

  module 5 RP inlet temperature: 33C

  module 5 RP device-1 temperature: 46C

  module 5 EARL outlet temperature: 36C

  module 5 EARL inlet temperature: 21C

  module 5 EARL device-1 temperature: 66C

  module 5 EARL device-2 temperature: 67C


Here is the reason why it was not placed on a minor or major alarm.


ASIC, EARL, RP tests are the fabric ASICs on the module, and these temperatures are internal to the ASIC and are therefore expected to be much higher than the inlet and outlet temperatures measured on the surface of the Supervisor main board.


By checking the command below you will be able to see the exact temperature and thresholds for each ASIC.

Depending on how high they go the module will be placed into minor or major alarm.


show environment alarm thresholds


module 5 RP outlet temperature: 32C

  threshold #1 for module 5 RP outlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 60C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 RP outlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 75C) is system major alarm

module 5 RP inlet temperature: 29C

  threshold #1 for module 5 RP inlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 70C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 RP inlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 85C) is system major alarm

module 5 RP device-1 temperature: 42C

  threshold #1 for module 5 RP device-1 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 90C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 RP device-1 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 105C) is system major alarm

module 5 EARL outlet temperature: 32C

  threshold #1 for module 5 EARL outlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 65C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 EARL outlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 80C) is system major alarm

module 5 EARL inlet temperature: 21C

  threshold #1 for module 5 EARL inlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 50C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 EARL inlet temperature:

    (sensor value >= 65C) is system major alarm

module 5 EARL device-1 temperature: 62C

  threshold #1 for module 5 EARL device-1 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 110C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 EARL device-1 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 125C) is system major alarm

module 5 EARL device-2 temperature: 62C

  threshold #1 for module 5 EARL device-2 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 110C) is system minor alarm

  threshold #2 for module 5 EARL device-2 temperature:

    (sensor value >= 125C) is system major alarm


At the end, temperature was great.


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