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Q: What is the CSC Experts program?

A: The Experts program is designed to recognize top contributors in each of the Cisco Support Community technologies.

Q: How do I become a CSC Expert?

A: Experts will be chosen by Cisco twice annually and once selected, a user will retain the Expert status for one year.  The criteria for selection will include the total points in a given technology as well as other factors.  Final decisions on the additional criteria will be published at the first induction, which is targeted for Summer of 2010.  Members will have to requalify each year.

Q: Who is eligible to be an Expert?

A: The Experts Program is intended to recognize CSC members who are not Cisco employees. All other registered users are eligible.

Q: Can I become an Expert in more than one technology?

A: Absolutely, yes.  There is no restriction to how many areas a member can qualify in.

Q: What do I get if I am selected as an Expert?

A: Each expert will be given an Expert badge that is assigned in the user profile and displays throughout the site to identify you as an expert.  The badge will display the technology area and year of award.

Example: Expert: IP Telephony 2010

In addition to the designation on the community, Experts will be invited to join certain Cisco activities of interest to them.  Full details of these activities will be announced in the Summer of 2010, when we induct our first class of Experts.

Q: Can I use the CSC Expert badge on my own blog or resume?

A: Yes.  The CSC will provide Experts with images that may be used externally,

Q: How do I find out more about the CSC Experts program?

A: Please stay tuned for additional details to be announced on the site.  If you have specific inquiries, please use the Contact Us link, or send an email to

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