Has anyone used a Button to trigger ISF CodeRequestCenter 2008.3Oracle 10gWebsphere 6.1IE6 & IE7Hello:The documentation specifies that a button can trigger a javascript instead of opening a browser window. Has anyone done this?Below is the section o...
I am getting a BINDING ERROR when trying to use my own sql in a data retrieval rule.Oracle 10gns 2008.3 SP7Websphere 6.1The field name is REQUISITION_TASKS.RITthe SQL is "select 'With '||firstname||' '|| CASE SUBSTR(lastname,1,1) WHEN '<' THEN '...
Logging activity for a web serviceDaniel - Safeway Inc.RequestCenter 2008.3 sp4Oracle 10gWebsphere 6.1Has anyone configured or enabled the logging for web services? I am troubleshooting a WSDL and I can not locate the logs. The System.Err and Syste...
Site FreezesSafeway IncIBM T60 2gig ramIE6HI Ed:I am not sure if its my machine, but whenever I look at the "threads" on a post, my browser freezes for at least 3 minutes before returning the page.Thank youDaniel
Use of ISF to format a number with decimal placesVersion 6.07Oracle 9iIE6 and IE7I was wondering if anyone knows the syntax to format a text field into a number with decimal places. (using Javascript not the configuration page)I tried the syntax belo...
Thanks all for the information - this works now.I added an onLoad scriptmyfunction(a){if (a==1){...}}for the active component url I put javascript:myfunction(1);This function loads with the service and fires when the button is clicked.Thanks again fo...
Yes, I think that the issue is that I am not using the namespace properly.In SQL plus I provide a number, but in the data retrieval I am using a namespace.Thank youDaniel
Yes, thank youI am also able to consume the WSDL using SoapUAI. I can see similiar information in the log, but it doesnt show what the WSDL is actually doing. just that the webservice was invoked.Any Ideas?
this can be closed - when I turned off the option "Use HTTP 1.1 through Proxy Connections" the issue dissappeared.If I turn that option on, my screen keeps freezing for SEVERAL minutes.Thank youDaniel
2006.7.01Oracle 9iWebsphere 5.11One of our users installed IE8 and it generated errors and the select buttons didnt show up.So I asked the user to set the browser to "compatability mode" and the form was reloaded correctly. That is the only testi we...