Hello, I'm trying to connect to the IOS XE on CSR Recommended Code AlwaysOn sandbox via SSH and Netconf, but I'm getting "connection reset by peer". Have not been able to connect since Sunday night. Would it be possible to reset? Thanks!
I'm getting the error below when trying manually or via script on port 22 or 830, so just trying to be sure. I'm able to SSH to other hosts as normal.root@jinxies:~# ssh -v developer@sandbox-iosxe-recomm-1.cisco.comOpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.1, O...
Thanks bigevilbeard, I'm still unable to connect manually via SSH or with Netconf, but I'll keep digging. As far as removing the netconf syntax from the device and re-adding, do you mean my device that's trying to reach the sandbox? Thanks!