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Member since ‎11-07-2006

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We have two datacenters, with an ASA 5510 pair in one (datacenter A) and an ASA 5520pair in the other (datacenter B).  The 5510 presents multiple web-based services to the Internet via static NAT.  We also have a site-to-site VPN connecting the two d...
After recently moving all our server infrastructure offsite, our firewall needs in our corporate office have been simplified: establish VPN tunnels to our datacenters, block all public incoming traffic, selectively block outgoing public traffic.  Sin...
We have a pair of ASA 5510s in an active/passive HA configuration. Remote users connect via AnyConnect and access resources in our corporate site. We also have three IPSec site-to-site VPNs to link our datacenter sites with the corporate site.We no...
Our remote users already use AnyConnect to access our corporate network when offsite. We're in the process of implementing split tunneling through group policy, where more trusted users can have non-work traffic go directly to the internet, but less...
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Member Since ‎11-07-2006 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 9
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