Create an IP SLA and bind it with an EEM script....which will manually shut the Gig interface.ip sla 100icmp-echo x.x.x.x (next-hop)ip sla schedule 100 life forever start-time nowtrack 1 ip sla 100 reachabilityevent manager applet track-100-down even...
There are no best practices for this. It varies depending on design. When you redistribute you make the router an ASBR, depending on your design you may or may not want this. There are other situations where you may choose to use network statement an...
For the above you need to perform the following:a) Apply route-map in on both the primary and secondary and on the default-route accepted by the primary increase the local-preferenceOn Primary: router bgp 100 neighbor route-map ACCEPT_DEF inroute-ma...
did you try the previous suggestion? I requested for the outputs but i do not see any.To check if your ISP is blocking or not do the following:1. create an ACL as follows access-list 199 permit tcp any host 122.183.1xx.43 eq 37777 log access-list...