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Member since ‎11-03-2015

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HI Community, does someone have experience with ACI Copy Service. I can not find any feasible step by step configuration Guide from starting with configure access policy up to binding copy service to a contract. Can someone provide kind of how-to? Ma...
Dear Community,is there any possibility in ACI to drop packets based on bandwidth. We have the following scenario, a system is connected to ACI with 100 gigs, we want the packets to be dropped from 50 gigs. The system itself cannot limit the bandwidt...
Dear Community, we have the requiremt to connect a Load Balaner and Firewall to ACI which bridge traffic between them. The Layer 3 Interfaces for the linknetwork remain on the Load Balancer and Firewall. ACI will only switch the Traffic. Firewall 10....
Dear Community, at the moment i am struggeling to debug protocols on ACI. When i do the following commands on the CLI, i got no output: debug bgp ipv6 unicast / debug ospfv3 adjacency  / debug bfd errors etc.. I ask because the fault on the GUI is no...
Dear Community,I have a question about L3OUT with static routes. We have the following scenario. The L3OUT is distributed over 4 Leafs, each with 2 VPC pairs (SVI).   The question: Can I assignto the SVIs one secondary IP address for all 4  Leafs, or...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-03-2015 02:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-09-2022 12:28 AM
Posts 50
Total Helpful Votes Received 26
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