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Member since ‎11-13-2003

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Any chance Cisco can release more IDS alarms for the "mytob" virus? 5 variants have an alarm at the moment but we know that other variants are on our network and I would like to see them on IDS to help us detect and disinfect PCs.Does anyone else ha...
We are considering adding Cisco Threat Response as an extention to our existing IDS4.1 box. We are just at the consultation stage at the moment and would like to find more about the practical advantages of using Cisco Threat Response.More specifical...
We run IDS version 3. No alarms are being shown recently.. When in Event Viewer, looking at Device Status , I get an error message "Fail to get sensor version. Connection has not been established yet."Looked in logs, device is alternating "Route Up...
Am getting a few 'Kazaa GET Request' (11005) alarms, but suspect they may be false positives. Can anything apart from Kazaa trigger this?
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Member Since ‎11-13-2003 01:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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