Hello dima,Looks like this IP address is being denied as a result of reputation-filtering, thats why its showing under -MaliciousSiteDenyHitCounts = 2and thats why packets from this subnet are being dropped.4 Jul 09 2012 09:35:47 19...
You need license to be able to use IPS, can you please check if IPS module is enabled on your box. Please issue "show module ips" command and check the License Status -# show module ips................Mod License Name License Status Time Remainin...
Hello Nika,The event retrieval health metric keeps track of when the last event was retrieved by an external monitoring application such as the IME. But if you dont intend to use IME, you can even disable event retrieval policy if you are not doing e...
Yes Estella , you can use the same Update Sensor tab. Either use FTP, HTTP, HTTPS or SCP to upgrade or give the location of your signature pkg file, click Update Sensor and you are good to go.Thanks~ Charu