Ziad El Achkouty
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Member since ‎11-14-2016

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Hello, We currently have default gateway on ACI with Firewall redirection using service graph.Is there a feature in ACI which verifies the firewall availability? If the firewall is reachable apply the PBR and if not apply ACI contract for the communi...
Hello, We currently have vmware servers, hyper-v servers, and bare metal servers behind the Cisco fabric interconnect, which is connected to ACI using two port-channels.Is it possible to create multiple domains (hyper-v, vmware, bare metal) for the i...
Hello, I have configured 2 different L3outs with interfaces on the same leafs. However, all routes that should be advertised only to the first L3out are being advertised also to the second one without adding it to the associated L3 in the bridge doma...
Hello,   Could microsegmentation be achieved if the default gateway is not on the ACI? Moreover, could it be achieved if the default gateway is on ACI and the bridge domain is in flood mode and not arp proxy?
Hello,   I have an ACI setup with 3 PODs. I want to connect each POD to an L3out. However, I don't want learned routes to be advertised between PODs. Whenever I put spines as route reflectors, L3 routes are learned between PODs. How to make L3out loc...
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Member Since ‎11-14-2016 12:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-21-2019 12:28 AM
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