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Member since ‎05-02-2012

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Hi Guys,I have a remote access VPN solution in place running from a Cisco 887VA router.Until recently all remote users have been OSX or WinXP users and as such the native VPN client and Cisco VPN Client 5.x were working perfectly. Now I have a user w...
Hi,I have a problem that I can see some solutions for but they do not work.I have a p2p IPSec vpn that worked before I added a remote access VPN configuration (which works perfectly).As per documentation I employed isakmp policy to allow the mixed tu...
Hi Folks,Ok so I'm going crazy here. I have a IPSec tunnel that is working in one direction. Below is the router config from the side that can connect to the other  side perfectly. I believe the issue is with this router as while I was  waiting on de...
Hey Folks,I'm having some problems getting an ipsec tunnel established between a cisco 887VA router and a cisco srp527w router.I am working from a few text books and some example materials. I have worked through many combinations of what I have got a...
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Member Since ‎05-02-2012 08:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
Posts 11