Files uploaded are saved in a folder named as the base64 encoded file name.
ex: /opt/infra/uploads/multipart/<base64 of file name>/filename
The only other important information is the file is temporary. It will be removed once the workflow completes....
For 10.0R2, I believe this is the connection checker for Oracle: com.newscale.jboss.resource.OracleConnectionValidator, though I tend to use: org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extension...
I haven't created a cert user via the api, only manually.
Export your cert as base64, open in a text editor and use the <cert data> without the tags:
<cert data>
There was a bug opened for this and it is going to be fixed in a later patch.
The HTML sanitizer alerts on invalid html, generating the message. It is supposed to only alert once per discovery. The main culprets I've found were setting attribute val...