I can confirm all these Reg Keys:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers]"DefaultIMApp"="Cisco Jabber"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers\Cisco Jabber]"UpAndRunning"=dword:00000002 or 1 or 0 *** Value written on runtime by Jabber[HK...
Having these Reg Settings now set. (Manually as they were not there) :[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IM Providers\Cisco Jabber]"FriendlyName"="Cisco Jabber""GUID"="{83CE44B6-A512-4199-9766-38357A9108E8}""ProcessName"="CiscoJabber.exe" I had a fresh Win...
When doing the chnages 1-8 from the previous post i still face the same problem and outlook will not start. (2013)Both files are set to "Run as Administrator".---------------------------Outlook Data File---------------------------The file C:\Users\Aa...