Damian Coverly
Level 1
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Member since ‎12-06-2010

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Hi experts,I was hoping someone could help me with this. Is it possible to use the ACE as a proxy and send SSL connections to 1 VIP then 2 seperate RSevers based on a URL redirect/rewrite? I need a solution that uses one global IP address and sends t...
Hi all,Yesterday one of the interfaces on my firewall started flapping causing havoc to live services. It has now resolved itself and hasn't done it again but my questions is; is this start of something and what can I do to pre-empt it happening agai...
Hi all,I'm hoping someone can help. I'm trying to restrict my ASA from answering handshake requests from any IP address apart from the specified remote peer - I only have one VPN between the HO and DC. So far I have removed the crypto map WATCH 65535...
Hi,Before I create a long post with settings, errors etc. I was wondering if anyone has successfully created an IPSEC VPN with certificate authentication using these two devices?Cheers, Leif.
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Member Since ‎12-06-2010 06:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 9