Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎06-27-2013

User Statistics

  • 3 Posts
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User Activity

Dear Supports,I would like to know if Cisco Catalyst 6513-E supports G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection protocol or not?Best regards,Math Tea
Dear Supports,I am Iooking for the Cisco  switches that support the protocol G.8032 and high availability,  multiple line cards and hot-swappable similar to  Cat 4500 series. Could you please recommend  the other Cisco switches model  that support G...
Dear Supports,I am looking for Cisco  switch. The  Cisco Catalyst 4500 series features are really interesting. I  would like to know if this product work with g.8032 ring protection  protocol or not because this protocol does not mention in the user ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-27-2013 05:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-05-2018 01:18 AM
Posts 3