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Member since ‎03-06-2006

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Hi and thanks for your help.   We have a pair of new Firepower 2130s with FTD 6.2.1 and a Firesight VMWare system going in. What is the best way to get the 2130's to 6.2.2? We already installed the Firesight Management Center with 6.2.2 and it would ...
Trying to get  PCI compliance passed with the ASA5512.I have 4 issues, some of them related:SSL certificate deemed insecure - Apparently they do not pass SHA-1, they have no issue with it being self-signed, only that they want something higher than S...
Any help is appreciated, I know not a lot of people are running the botnet but after using it on a trial basis I was hooked so I would like to know if this is a but or a setting where blacklisted traffic levels are defined.   I may have had this issu...
                   I have a customer that has two separate CSC cards for AV with Trend. Neither has received an update since Feb 14th but the subscription shows active with several hundred days remaining. The last time we saw this there was an issue ...
                   I have a customer with a ASA5520 with a CSC module. Unable to log into the CSC gui directly or via the Link within the ASDM.We removed the card and installed it into his spare ASA and show the same issue. We put the spare card in t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-06-2006 05:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-11-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 67
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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