Krzysztof Obara
Level 1
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Member since ‎07-19-2013

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Hi,I have a question regarding the following output: show serverfarm SFARM detail ...---------------------------------                                                ----------connections-----------       real                  weight state        cur...
Hello,Do you have any ideas why ACE drops a lot of packets when primary sfarm is down and all traffic should go to backup sfarm?I mean about the following statistic:show serverfarm SFARM conn-dropcount : X <- hereThe X number increases...
Hi,I've noticed that ACE is responding for TCP SYN sent from external device (in my particular example: GSS device) to VIP address of a serverfarm which is in OUTOFSERVICE state - because of failed rservers (ARP FAILED).A context is configured on the...
Hello,I'd like to ask if it's possible to configure a backup server farm with a real server in a different network than real servers in a primary server farm in bridge mode on Cisco ACE? If not, how to configure it based on the following config examp...
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Member Since ‎07-19-2013 04:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
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