Another bites the Dust, A BRAND NEW Backup unit out of the box worked for about a WEEK or so and getting killed. It might not be restarting every minute but GUI is not accessible, and than BAD GATEWAY, than NAT works for a bit than Completely unaccus...
Possibly Cisco or some HACKER or ENTITY ISP etc.. Has sent out a Kill PILL to kill all those routers it's not a coincidence too many are having same exact issueNother one Bites the Dust RV042GAND CISCO SITTING QUIET IS A DISAPOINTMENTNEW CISCO ROUTER...
This was happening first now Restarting
Seems like a bigger Scheme is going on here, no way that all these devices are doing same thing while working fine not changing anything, the only thing I can think of ISP traffic to router or other entity Hacking or some sort of Traffic that is Cras...
Same Problem Here, on 2 different models of RV016, and on RV042G, issues on all 3 models some work for weeks and all over sudden Crash, router web GUI crashed, ( Sometimes says BAD GATEWAY ) internet works for a while. and than No internet. Logs don'...