Antonio Simoes
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Member since ‎09-01-2013

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Hi, I have a client with the diagram below, we beleave having a missconfiguration in NAT. Because:Inside computers,  can´t access outside networks. But can acess webserver on DMZ.Outside networks acess DMZ and inside c...
Hi,I need to do costum service traffic inspection to a SQL server inside interface communicate with the dmz interface server.I need INSIDE useres access(http/https and other site in port 100) my web server(DMZ) which have a service that accesses the ...
Hi,I´m have one http server on my inside switchport responding in por 8888 and I want it to be accessed from the out side.Server inside: IP: xx.xx.xx.66:100Can any one tell me what i´m doing wrong, or dont doing?ASA Version 8...
Hi,To put my Webserver(DMZ) comunicating  with my SQLSERVER(INSIDE) I made exemption of  nat in outbound in both directions. Is this secure?The protection of inside network trough nat isn´t compromised?Is there any other or more secure way to do it?K...
Hi,I´m having problems in configure my ISP Static address. After reading I know that ASA 5505 share phisical mac address to all ports off the switch. And in ASDM I access to the interface and in advanced option is possible to configure one mac.But wh...
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Member Since ‎09-01-2013 04:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
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