Hello, I have been working on this migrating from a PIX 501 to ASA 5515-x. I have been greatly helped by a Cisco support team member. They gave me the instructions of how to migrate after I showed them the "run" config of the PIX a...
Hello, I'm an Administrator and have a client that is running a T1 (point to point) with a 501 Pix box as the firewall between the Dsl and internal network. We are switching over to Fiber Optic (Client has 3 locations all tap into a central datab...
Hello Jouni, Thank you for your reply!, yes you are right. Last night after looking over all my configs and your notes I noticed my route wasn't configured properly to point to the ISP router from the ASA. I did change the NAT IP as we...
Hello Jouni, Thinking about it further, when I tested the speedtest, I plugged my laptop in and entered basic ip info. I have yet to configure a "Gateway or Router" to the ASA configuration. How would I go about configuring the ASA to point ...
Hello, Thanks again for your help! from what info you supplied and further reading through Cisco's knowledge base, I was able to "deny" the access-list and remove the lines that "permited". I was also able to stop "crypto isakmp" service from run...
Hello, How would I shutdown the L2L VPN services on the PIX?. I also recieved the info for the fiber optic that is being installedWAN IP: 12.XXX.XXX.XXXHost Router Name: New IP Block: 12.XXX.XXX.XXX/28Default Gateway GE-0/0: 12.XXX.XXX.XXXYour 1st...
Hello, Sorry again, forgot to tell you the ASA wasn't configured yet, I just turned on one of the ports for DHCP through the ASDM, because I was going to input the Activation Key that I received from registering the ASA. Also, the owner told me ...