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Member since ‎10-13-2017

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Hello, I have the following yang model: module cr-art { namespace ""; prefix cr-art; ... list cr-art { key DEVICE; uses ncs:service-data; ncs:servicepoint cr-art-servicepoint; leaf DEVICE { type leafr...
Hello, This is more a best practice or architectural question. I have seen several services that configure a PE and their corresponding CEs. In those scenarios, you have one instance of the service associated to each of the PEs. In each of those inst...
Hello, I have the following yang file, where I am trying to model the connection between a device and its neighbors: module cr-art { list cr-art { key DEVICE; leaf DEVICE { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name...
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to access the data introduced at on-boarding time in order to populate a template. Let's say we have provisioned these devices: admin@ncs# show devices listNAME     ADDRESS          DESCRIPTION   NED ID       ...
Hi. I am having trouble filling a service template using the values of variables defined in another service.Let's say I have defined a service (tlfr3) where I store variables that will be used by other services. For the time being I have added this v...