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Member since ‎07-09-2001

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If I am using a PIX VPN solution with release 6.x, will I have to purchase VPN clients for each mobile road warrior or can I download the client for free if I am using the 6.0 release of the PIX software? Also, is there an easy way to administer sev...
Router:One Serial port (Internet Connected)One Ethernet port (Internally connected)IOS 10.3(2)Will upgrade IOS in three months, but no financial resources now. Will implement true firewall at same time, but for the time being we need to filter traff...
Our MS Proxy 2.0 Server is sitting between our Internet router and our internal router. It appears that the proxy server is performing NAT and HTTP proxy services. How do we ascertain whether the proxy server is performing NAT, since we are not tha...
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Member Since ‎07-09-2001 04:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 4