After I applied alias command,from inside, I ping the ip address associated with the alias address, the traffic is directed to the outside.If I delete the alias command, the traffic is directed to the DMZ.Who can tell me why, Thanks
with this config, I cann't ping,the debug trace indicate:>> can I direct the traffic go to DMZ no go to outside.following is my pix 520 6.0(1)'s config list : Saved:PIX Version 6.0(1)nameif eth...
The web server is on the DMZ zone,but inside user cann't access the web server,I try to use the alias command to solver this problem. alias (inside) after doing so, when I ping our domain name I can see the domain name...
I have a pix 520 with 3 ports, at the DMZ there is a web server,I use the static command to allow outside user access the web server,To allow inside user access the web server correctly,I use the alias command to resolve the domain name to DMZ IP add...
I have a pix 520 with 3 ports, at the DMZ there is a web server,I use the static command to allow outside user access the web server,To allow inside user access the web server correctly,I use the alias command to resolve the domain name to DMZ IP add...
Thanks for your helpAccording your instruction,I try again but the problem still isn't solved.when I ping the domain name, The alias command works well, It can transfer the DNS to DMZ address, But the Nat still direct the traffic to the outside inter...