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Member since ‎05-13-2010

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I have read several of the posts on how to show your pre shared keys in clear text.  I am in the process of converting a 5520 over to a 5525-x and I got to the point where I need the pre-shared keys the    more system:running-config     command does ...
OK - this is a different type of config for me so I am reaching out for  some advise / help.  I manage many cisco asa 5520's and I am in the  process of converting one asa from a block of 30 outside addresses of to  a 50 Meg Cox cable modem with a bl...
We have a working vmware view security server in our DMZ and have no problems running pcoip when directly attached to the dmz.  When accessing the view server through the outside internet we can log onto the view server and when we go to run a pcoip ...
Here is my scenario.  We have a block of addresses assigned to us by our ISP.  We need to assign one of these addresses to a vendor we use for traffic to one of their internal devices.  Lets say the address we gave them out of that block of addresses...
We have an 871 vpn router conntected back to our main facility ASA5500.  The VPN tunnel seems to come and go for no reason we can find.The weird thing of all this is that we can only ping some subnets and not everything even though we alow all networ...
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Member Since ‎05-13-2010 06:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 5