Julian Ramsey
Level 1
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Member since ‎12-22-2010

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I have been asked to source small office switches which are IL3 compliant. Does anyone know if the 500 is IL3 compliant, or if any other Cisco Switch offenings are?
Does anyone use XML to Configure a CSS?? I am running 8.20 and would like server admins to be able to run basic scripts to suspend/activate content/services without using CLI.This Admin Doco;http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/app_ntwk_services/data_cent...
We have loaded CSS release, but our 11503 pair rebooted after a week so we wanted to rollback to ran the upgrade script and loaded, but on reboot the old ver did not get written to the modules, als operational flash is ...
Hi.I am slowly migrating environments from CSS to ACE.We use a shared sorry server across environments, to get it to work on CSS, we create a group and 'add destination service' to nat the source ip of the user to that specified in the group ip.I hav...
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Member Since ‎12-22-2010 07:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-16-2019 07:10 AM
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