Thank you chestin. This is as expected and was to confirm if file is not there. But that is not the case and the analysis should continue. I have initiated a discussion with VMware but as of now no breakthroughs there as well. Meanwhile you can try 1...
Can you please get the result of point 6 as well.6. Can you paste the output of this command here after running the same on the vCenter server shell. Go to / (cd /) and execute "find . -name VcPluginPolicyDefault.xml"And then please try to address...
Hello Chestin,We have seen this issue with one of our customer who is also on 6.0 u3. Its one of unique cases since nothing has been changed in plugin w.r.t to the piece of module that is dumping out the filenotfound error. Could you please confirm t...
Hello Phillip,It's a generic error and cannot interpret much with just that. I believe you are dealing with 2.0.1 plugin and have followed and read the user guide and release notes for the same. The plugin has a TAC support , you can raise an SR. Or ...
Hello max,Seems to be something wrong in the setup.a. Does the extension manager(https://<vcenter ip>/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager) show Could find in vmware communities about similar issues and the user/role permissions are s...