It looks like I'm stuck before already. I expected that the emulator is able to run my imported live configuration... but I didn't check, and it doesn't.After import and start the emulator runs for few mins discovering 16 machines, and the discovery ...
Then it's probably also not possible to manage SSDs connected to those adapters in UCSPE?We're using UCSM profiles to configure RAID on those disks...In the imported configuration I see 2 times a disk1 which seems connected to the MegaRAID adapter.Th...
I'm trying to add my C240 M4SX to the emulator and don't succeed to add the internal Wellsburg Dual 4 port adapter to connect 2 UCS-SD240GBKS4-EV devices to it.Drag and drop shows me a broken icon and nothing will be added.All other components work f...