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Member since ‎01-25-2008

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Not sure if this is possible. Here's the layout. T1 circuit coming in...I have a 2600 router pushing the traffic to a checkpoint firewall (external interface). From the checkpoint external, it goes to the checkpoint internal interface and on out to...
Is it possible to set up a stack of switches in a way that you can ssh into a particular switch on the stack or do you have to go CLI to that switch from the master?Not sure if there is something virtual that can be set up on the master. Just a ques...
I am getting ready to deploy several stacks out to some remote sites. We are running 3750G PoE-24/48PS switches. 1. We've already identified our master switches in each stack. Each switch in the stacks are running the same IOS. However, before I...
I have a 7204VXR router at a remote site. We were running a vpn tunnel between the sites and removed the tunnel after we installed a checkpoint firewall. Now, we're tunneling via the firewall. The firewall sits between the router and the switch. In t...
GigabitEthernet1/0/17 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)I've run shutdown and no shut and still no luck. Was working fine as of yesterday.
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Member Since ‎01-25-2008 09:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8