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Member since ‎11-13-2004

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  • 69 Posts
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Hi, We are mounting some AIR-ANT2588P3M-N= directional antennas and remoting them via 5ft AIR-CAB005LL-N and AIR-CAB010LL-N.  The Cisco 1560 APs will operate in dual band, my question is do I use 3 x RF cables connected to 3 ports on the AP or 2 x ca...
Hi, We are deploying Cisco 1562e APs in dual-band mode with the AP body hidden and the antennas remoted a short distance of approx 1-2m via Cisco RF Co-AX Cable.  In the past I have always mounted the remoted Antennas the same distance apart as from ...
Hi, We are looking at large area deployment of AIR-CAP1552E-x-K9 with x 2 AIR-ANT2547V-N my first question is if we use  2 x dual band Antennas is there any reduction in coverage or capacity etc or is it pretty much the same as using 4 x single band ...
Hi, We have some 1572's with AIR-ANT2547V APs and the customer has requested the AP body is hidden so are looking at remoting the dipoles on 1m to 3m RF cables so only the dipoles are visible, will the likes of AIR-CAB005LL-N or AIR-CAB010LL-N work ...
Hi, Where would I find information on the MiMo configuration on a Cisco AP, I have heard that certain models which do not obtain the correct PoE etc will 'switch' a MiMo pair off, or something similar?  Is there a show command or is it in Sh controll...
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Member Since ‎11-13-2004 05:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-12-2020 12:27 AM
Posts 69
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