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Member since ‎07-29-2008

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Suppose I forget or loose the enable password, is there any way to recover or change it instead of loading the factory default configuration? Thanks in advance!
Hi!I have installed an ASA5510 in another town and I wish to manage it remotly using an SSH connection. Is it possible? What commands do I need to enter? Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone! I have an ASA5510 security device that implements two local subnets (LAN and DMZ) and an external network (WAN). The WAN interface is directly connected to a router. This is the whole list of commands I used in this scenario:interface et...
Hi again! I've got an ASA5510 firewall and I want to allow only http requests from the inside network. I have tried the following access-lists without success:access-list 200 extended permit tcp any any eq httpaccess-group 200 in interface insideanda...
Hi, I need some help configuring a Cisco ASA5510 firewall. I have connected the ethernet0/0 interface to a D-Link DSL-504T router whose ip address is The ethernet0/1 interface is connected to a 3Com OfficeConnect Dual Speed Switch 5 swit...
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Member Since ‎07-29-2008 11:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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