Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎05-24-2019

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Hello I currently use https pcap that that trex plays with random client & src ip. I would like Trex to randomly chose the TLS fields like cipher suites etc...does Trex has the capability to do that ?
My goal is to send more than 983K client/server hosts as currently supported by Trex. I tried to create 2 trex instances which uses the same ports but a diff set of traffic yaml which has diff src/ip addresses range so that eventually on the same set...
I understand how to create multiple trex instances but my 4 instances are not sending the same rate of traffic. looks like some cpu/mem allocation issue in multiple instances. How can i make these instances send the same rate at the same time?
I had a user successfully run trex on a machine. When i tried run trex on the same machine with my username or admin, i see below error.    sudo ./_t-rex-64 -f 00_FS3k_sfr_delay_10_1g.yaml --cfg /home/qadmin/trex_4ports_cfg.yaml -c 4 -m 2 -d 360000su...
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Member Since ‎05-24-2019 10:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-10-2021 12:15 AM
Posts 8
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