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Member since ‎06-16-2010

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Hi, My Cisco RV042, with latest firmware, stops working when my users are on Facebook, Twitter etc. They do not stop using social networks all day long. I'm using OPNDNS and with web filtering, I stopped that kind of abuse on the network. I replaced...
HiWe are filtering web access by URL categories, but I only get the number of instances that were blocked in each case.How can I find the IP of the station and the website that caused the counter to increase ??I checked the option "Output Blocking Ev...
Hi,I'm analyzing the error log for my Cisco RV042 and found that shortly after the station with IP ...26 connected, the following alert apperared in my log. --------------------------------------------------​---------------------- Thu Jul 22 11:21:07...
I'm currently testing ProtectLink on my RV042, and found some  instances blocked that  I would like to know the IP of the workstation that originated such instance.Is it possible with this particular model ??Thanks in advance,E. Fox
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-16-2010 09:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 4