Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



DNA Center でよく使う CLI コマンド magctl, maglev はどちらも Python スクリプトとして実装されています。この内、magctl コマンドは主に kubectl, docker など DNA Center で使用されている OSS のコマンドの wrapper として機能します。

[Sun Apr 26 04:39:22 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) ~
$ which magctl

[Sun Apr 26 04:48:54 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) ~
$ cat /usr/local/bin/magctl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys

from magctl.main import cli   # モジュール読み込み

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])



モジュールの定義を参照すれば実行する処理をご確認いただけますので、内容を把握したり、Cisco 独自の様式ではなく標準的な OSS の CLI で操作したい方の参考にしていただけます。
例えば magctl service attach コマンドであれば以下のように対象となるコンテナを検索し、 --docker (-D) オプションに応じて kubectl exec -it または docker exec -it を実行することが分かります。(古いバージョンでは kubectl attach -it を実行します)
[Sun Apr 26 04:51:37 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) commands
$ magctl service attach --help
Usage: magctl service attach [OPTIONS] SERVICE

  Connects to the bash shell of a currently running instance of SERVICE

  -c, --container TEXT  name of container to which to connect
  -a, --appstack TEXT   AppStack on which to perform the operation
  -i, --image TEXT      Docker image for service
  -D, --docker          Use docker to attach
  --help                Show this message and exit.

[Sun Apr 26 04:51:43 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) commands
$ pwd

[Sun Apr 26 04:51:47 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) commands
$ ls *.py
__init__.py api.py appstack.py completion.py disk.py etcd.py glusterfs.py iam.py job.py logs.py maglev.py node.py password_manager.py service.py ssh.py sts.py system.py tenant.py token.py user.py workflow.py
[Sun Apr 26 04:52:03 UTC] maglev@ (maglev-master-1) commands $ cat service.py from magctl.command import DockerCommandBuilder, KubectlCommandBuilder @click.command() @click.argument("service") @click.option("--container", "-c", help="name of container to which to connect") @click.option("--appstack", "-a", help="AppStack on which to perform the operation") @click.option("--image", "-i", help="Docker image for service") @click.option("--docker", "-D", is_flag=True, help="Use docker to attach") def attach(service, container, appstack, image, docker): """Connects to the bash shell of a currently running instance of SERVICE""" log_debug_message(0, "Search matching pod using service: [%s]", service) match = _search_for_pod(service, namespace=appstack) # 該当 Pod の検索 namespace = appstack if appstack else match.group("namespace") # determine dimensions of current terminal session rows, columns = os.popen("stty size").read().split() if not docker: # --docker (-D) オプションの有無 cmd = KubectlCommandBuilder("exec", match.group("name"), "--namespace", namespace) # kubectl コマンドの組み立て if container: cmd.append("-c", container) print("") log_status(0, "Attaching to '%s/%s'", namespace, match.group("name")) return cmd.append("-it", "env", "COLUMNS=%s" % columns, "LINES=%s" % rows, "TERM=xterm", "/bin/bash").run() # /bin/bash 実行 else: if not container: container = service log_debug_message(0, "Search docker image using container-name: [%s]", container) if not image: image = KubectlCommandBuilder("get", "pods", match.group("name"), "--namespace", namespace, "-o=jsonpath={.spec.containers[?(@.name==\"%s\")].image}" % container).run(capture_output=True) log_debug_message(0, "Search container-id using docker image: [%s]", image) id_list = _search_for_container_id(service, image=image, namespace=appstack) if not id_list: exit_with_error(0, "No container matches found, may be the docker container is running on another node?") if len(id_list) > 1: exit_with_error(0, "Multiple matches found. Specify a container ID\n\t%s\n", "\n\t".join(id_list)) container_id = id_list[0] print("") log_status(0, "Attaching to '%s/%s'", namespace, match.group("name")) return DockerCommandBuilder("exec", "-it", "--env", "COLUMNS=%s" % columns, "--env", "LINES=%s" % rows, "--env", "TERM=xterm", container_id, "/bin/bash").run_interactive() # docker exec -it 実行



Getting Started


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