
Cisco NDFC

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, all, i'm using Cisco NDFC to configure N9K devices which are Border gateway role.

After click Recalculate, the configs are generated, but why the button "Deploy All" is grayed out, when i move the mouse to the button and a fobideen icon appears so i can not click the deploy button...that's really confusing me, i don't have much experience for NDFC...hope anyone know the reason can tell me this.



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If NDFC displays the "Out-of-Sync" status due to unexpected pending configurations, and this configuration is either unable to be deployed or stays consistent even after a deployment, perform the following steps to recover:

  1. Check the lines of config highlighted under the Pending Config tab in the Config Preview window.

  2. Check the same lines in the corresponding Side-by-side Comparison tab. This tab shows whether the diff exists in "intent", or "show run", or in both with different leading spaces. Leading spaces are highlighted in the Side-by-side Comparison tab.

  3. If the pending configurations or switch with an out-of-sync status is due to any identifiable configuration with mismatched leading spaces in "intent" and "running configuration", this indicates that the intent has incorrect spacing and needs to be edited.

  4. To edit incorrect spacing on any custom or user-defined policies, navigate to the switch and edit the corresponding policy:

    1. If the source of the policy is UNDERLAY, you will need to edit this from the Fabric settings screen and save the updated configuration.

    2. If the source is blank, it can be edited from the View/Edit policies window for that switch.

    3. If the source of the policy is OVERLAY, but it is derived from a switch freeform configuration. In this case, navigate to the appropriate OVERLAY switch freeform configuration and update it.

    4. If the source of the policy is OVERLAY or a custom template, perform the following steps:

      1. Choose Settings > Server settings, set the template.in_use.check property to false and uncheck the Template In-Use Override check box and Save. This allows the profiles or templates to be editable.

      2. Edit the specific profile or template from the Operations > Templates > Edit template properties edit window, and save the updated profile template with the right spacing.

      3. Click Recalculate & Deploy to recompute the diffs for the impacted switches.

      4. After the configurations are updated, set the template.in_use.check property to true and check the Template In-Use Override check box and Save, as it slows down the performance of the NDFC system, specifically for Recalculate & Deploy operations.


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