Hi, all, i'm using Cisco NDFC to configure N9K devices which are Border gateway role.After click Recalculate, the configs are generated, but why the button "Deploy All" is grayed out, when i move the mouse to the button and a fobideen icon appears so...
告警信息: Failure in syncing messages to standby for vdc 1 causing standby to resetvdc 1: HA SYNC failure onsap=390 (errno: -105) From Standby: mts_tcp_recv_enqueue_begin_data(): unable to allocate MTS buffer! Failure in syncing messages to standby for v...
有如下拓扑:图片是随便找的,但是拓扑是一致的,FEX双上联至N5K,四个相同的MAC地址,从N5K-1可以看到接口下学习了四个MAC地址,从N5K-2上看到只学习到了两个MAC地址,另外两个MAC地址是从vpc peer-link学习到的,为什么会出现这种情况?检查了交换机配置,两边都是一样的N5K-1 查看MAC地址表 VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID---------+-----------------+---...
思科FI6248 Primary 的矩阵管理器,出现以下截图错误,根据Faults上提示好像是整个矩阵管理都存在问题,可VMware上主机状态都还处于正常状态,这个需要怎么排查,或者重启不影响业务使用率。Fabric Interconnect A inventory is not complete card-inventory,eth-pc-inventory,eth-port-inventory,fc-port-inventory,fc-pc-inventory,mgmt-port-inven...