04-24-2023 03:18 AM
I would like to upgrade ND+NDO to latest recommended version. Based on BRKDCN-2980.pdf I think NDO version I should go to is 4.1(2b)
Current versions:
* ND 2.2(2d)
* NDO 3.7.2d
My current policy objects contain circular references. Before or during the upgrade I must get rid of them.
Does the upgrade handle the circular reference conversion automatically or do I need to take manual action? I find the documentation unclear
No cyclical dependencies are allowed across multiple templates.
This is done automatically during the upgrade process
Depending on the complexity of NDO configuration the manual conversion may be nontrivial and is probably anyways disruptive.
I also downloaded the script from here: https://software.cisco.com/download/home/285968390/type/286317465/release/4.1(2e)
But I cannot find msc-db-json file inside NDO tech-support as instructed here:
Thanks for help
04-24-2023 03:50 AM
Hello @kjdhghsghsfg,
It's important to note that the upgrade process may still have some disruptive effects, particularly if your NDO configuration is complex.
Regarding the msc-db-json file, this is a file that is generated as part of the NDO tech-support bundle. If you're unable to find the file in your tech-support bundle, it's possible that the file wasn't generated for some reason. In this case, you may need to contact Cisco technical support for assistance.
Alternatively, you may be able to manually convert your circular policy objects by identifying the objects that are involved in the circular reference and modifying them so that the reference is no longer circular. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, however, so it's important to carefully assess the impact before proceeding.
05-11-2023 11:34 PM
Thanks for the reply. This was user error after all. The conclusion in this case was that the script did work as expected and documented and NDO upgrare was succesful on second attempt.
First we attempted the upgrade by installing new NDO on existing ND as documented here:
The outcome was that activation of new NDO (step 6) never finished
rescue-user@aci-nd-1:~$ acs health
k8s: services not in desired state - cisco-mso,csi-system
rescue-user@aci-nd-1:~$ acs apps
{"level":"error","name":"","topic":"RESTCLIENT","error":"Get \"https://resourcemgr.kubese.svc/api/config/class/apps\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","url":"https://resourcemgr.kubese.svc/api/config/class/apps","message":"Failed to get Apps"}
We got tired waiting, installed new ND 2.3.2c cluster, NDO on top of that and restored the backup.
05-11-2023 11:45 PM
Hello @kjdhghsghsfg,
thanks for your feedback.
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