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CSCuc72466 - Spine Control Bus fail in both active and standby - 2

Level 1
Level 1


we have running Version 5.2.(7) on "Nexus7000 C7010 (10 Slot) Chassis with 2 "Supervisor module-1X" N7K-SUP1

our system is affected by this bug today.

mery cristmas and happy new year!


Phillip Remaker
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Would you like to see some action taken?  If so, you will need to contact the Cisco TAC.

If you have a question you would like answered, please ask the question.

Spine Control Bus fail in both active and standby

SpineControlBus diagnostic test failure on active and/or standby supervisor.

This happens when active and standby supervisors run the Spine test at the same time.

Configure the following for the module in question (only one SUP, even if both have the error):

NOTE: Test 11 is for Sup1, Test 10 is for Sup2

N7K(config)# no diagnostic monitor module 5 test 11
N7K(config)# diagnostic clear result module 5 test 11
N7K(config)# diagnostic monitor interval module 5 test 11 hour 0 min 0 second 31
N7K(config)# diagnostic monitor module 5 test 11
N7K(config)# diagnostic start module 5 test 11

This workaround will decrease the possibility of this condition occurring but does not guarantee that the diagnostic failure will never be encountered. For that the customer needs to upgrade to the proper code with this fix.

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Last Modified:
Feb 28,2015
4 Minor
Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
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I have this problem mentioned below for sup2 in active and Standby


Mod  Ports  Module-Type                         Model              Status
---  -----  ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1    0      Supervisor module-2                 N7K-SUP2           active *
2    0      Supervisor module-2                 N7K-SUP2           ha-standby
6    48     1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module           N7K-F248XP-25      ok
7    48     1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module           N7K-F248XP-25      ok
9    48     10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Module N7K-M148GT-11L     ok

Mod  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Fail
2    Fail
6    Pass
7    Pass
9    Pass

  BIOS:      version 2.8.0
  kickstart: version 6.1(1)
  system:    version 6.1(1)

N7K# show diagnostic result module 1

Current bootup diagnostic level: complete
Module 1: Supervisor module-2  (Active)

        Test results: (. = Pass, F = Fail, I = Incomplete,
        U = Untested, A = Abort, E = Error disabled)

         1) ASICRegisterCheck-------------> .
         2) USB---------------------------> .
         3) NVRAM-------------------------> .
         4) RealTimeClock-----------------> .
         5) PrimaryBootROM----------------> .
         6) SecondaryBootROM--------------> .
         7) CompactFlash------------------> U
         8) ExternalCompactFlash----------> U
         9) PwrMgmtBus--------------------> .
        10) SpineControlBus---------------> E
        11) SystemMgmtBus-----------------> .
        12) StatusBus---------------------> .
        13) StandbyFabricLoopback---------> U
        14) ManagementPortLoopback--------> .
        15) EOBCPortLoopback--------------> .
        16) OBFL-------------------------->

.The details for each diagnostic result for Module 1

 7) CompactFlash U

         Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
         Total run count -------------> 38301
         Last test execution time ----> Sun Jun 21 13:01:15 2015
         First test failure time ----->  n/a
         Last test failure time ------>  n/a
         Last test pass time ---------> Tue Jul 30 13:30:23 2013
         Total failure count ---------> 0
         Consecutive failure count ---> 0
         Last failure reason ---------> The bootflash was found to
                                        be absent
         Next Execution time ---------> Sun Jun 21 13:31:15 2015

 8) ExternalCompactFlash U

         Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
         Total run count -------------> 38301
         Last test execution time ----> Sun Jun 21 13:01:15 2015
         First test failure time ----->  n/a
         Last test failure time ------>  n/a
         Last test pass time --------->  n/a
         Total failure count ---------> 0
         Consecutive failure count ---> 0
         Last failure reason ---------> The logflash was found to
                                        be absent
         Next Execution time ---------> Sun Jun 21 13:31:15 2015


 10) SpineControlBus E

         Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST ERR DISABLE
         Total run count -------------> 1812824
         Last test execution time ----> Sun Jan  4 03:26:11 2015
         First test failure time -----> Thu May 30 23:01:15 2013
         Last test failure time ------> Sun Jan  4 03:26:11 2015
         Last test pass time ---------> Sun Jan  4 03:25:41 2015
         Total failure count ---------> 30
         Consecutive failure count ---> 1
         Last failure reason ---------> Spine control test failed
         Next Execution time ---------> Sun Jan  4 03:26:41 2015

 XBar      1  2  3
           .  .  F


 13) StandbyFabricLoopback U

         Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
         Total run count -------------> 0
         Last test execution time ---->  n/a
         First test failure time ----->  n/a
         Last test failure time ------>  n/a
         Last test pass time --------->  n/a
         Total failure count ---------> 0
         Consecutive failure count ---> 0
         Last failure reason ---------> No failures yet
         Next Execution time --------->  n/a


N7K# show diagnostic result module 2

Current bootup diagnostic level: complete
Module 2: Supervisor module-2  (Standby)

        Test results: (. = Pass, F = Fail, I = Incomplete,
        U = Untested, A = Abort, E = Error disabled)

         1) ASICRegisterCheck-------------> .
         2) USB---------------------------> .
         3) NVRAM-------------------------> .
         4) RealTimeClock-----------------> .
         5) PrimaryBootROM----------------> .
         6) SecondaryBootROM--------------> .
         7) CompactFlash------------------> E
         8) ExternalCompactFlash----------> U
         9) PwrMgmtBus--------------------> U
        10) SpineControlBus---------------> .
        11) SystemMgmtBus-----------------> U
        12) StatusBus---------------------> U
        13) StandbyFabricLoopback---------> .
        14) ManagementPortLoopback--------> .
        15) EOBCPortLoopback--------------> .
        16) OBFL--------------------------> .


The details for each diagnostic result for Module 2


 7) CompactFlash E

         Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST ERR DISABLE
         Total run count -------------> 32686
         Last test execution time ----> Tue Feb 24 13:28:30 2015
         First test failure time -----> Tue Feb 24 03:58:40 2015
         Last test failure time ------> Tue Feb 24 13:28:40 2015
         Last test pass time ---------> Tue Feb 24 03:28:41 2015
         Total failure count ---------> 20
         Consecutive failure count ---> 20
         Last failure reason ---------> The compact flash power test

         Next Execution time ---------> Tue Feb 24 13:58:30 2015


8) ExternalCompactFlash U

        Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
        Total run count -------------> 38301
        Last test execution time ----> Sun Jun 21 13:00:07 2015
        First test failure time ----->  n/a
        Last test failure time ------>  n/a
        Last test pass time --------->  n/a
        Total failure count ---------> 0
        Consecutive failure count ---> 0
        Last failure reason ---------> The logflash was found to
                                       be absent
        Next Execution time ---------> Sun Jun 21 13:30:07 2015

9) PwrMgmtBus U

        Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
        Total run count -------------> 0
        Last test execution time ---->  n/a
        First test failure time ----->  n/a
        Last test failure time ------>  n/a
        Last test pass time --------->  n/a
        Total failure count ---------> 0
        Consecutive failure count ---> 0
        Last failure reason ---------> No failures yet
        Next Execution time --------->  n/a

11) SystemMgmtBus U

        Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
        Total run count -------------> 0
        Last test execution time ---->  n/a
        First test failure time ----->  n/a
        Last test failure time ------>  n/a
        Last test pass time --------->  n/a
        Total failure count ---------> 0
        Consecutive failure count ---> 0
        Last failure reason ---------> No failures yet
        Next Execution time --------->  n/a

12) StatusBus U

        Error code ------------------> DIAG TEST UNTESTED
        Total run count -------------> 0
        Last test execution time ---->  n/a
        First test failure time ----->  n/a
        Last test failure time ------>  n/a
        Last test pass time --------->  n/a
        Total failure count ---------> 0
        Consecutive failure count ---> 0
        Last failure reason ---------> No failures yet
        Next Execution time --------->  n/a


Can any one tell me how to solved  DIAG TEST ERR DISABLE And what is mean by

The compact flash power test failed



Level 1
Level 1

Thank you for your advice Philip,
To solve the problem, we plan to update to a software release in which the problem is fixed, best regards Mike
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