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CSCvy72718 - Bulk import validation and import failing with valid data

I experienced this bug when Exporting MRGL from CUCM 12.5(1) SU4 and trying to bulk upload new one.

I got the following error when trying to validate the .tar file which I uploaded on CUCM:


Validate Configuration Items

Begin Time : 12/08/2021 13:12:20

Failure Details :

FileName Error Code Error Description


Record Number 1 Record does not match the fileformat selected

Record Number 2 Record does not match the fileformat selected

Result Summary :

VALIDATE for 0 Records passed.

VALIDATE for 2 Records failed.

End Time : 12/08/2021 13:12:20


In order to resolve this issue, I logged into my CUCM 11.5(1) environment and exported the MRGL from that version just to get the correct CSV file from that version. I used that version and it worked without any problem in CUCM 12.5(1)SU4.


I hope this help others who are hitting the same bug on 12.5(1) SU4.


Johnny Kabundi





3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

I try to upload a csv file via export/import to update my CSS. However, I don't receive any error yet the data doesn't not get loaded to the destination.


Import Configuration


Begin Time : 11/04/2024 05:46:21



Query :






Failure Details :


css Error Code Error Description


name;description;type of partition usage;route partition 1;route partition 2;route partition 3;route partition 4;route partition 5;route partition 6;route partition 7;route partition 8;route partition 9;route partition 10;route partition 11;route partition is not a supported field.

What version of CUCM are you running at the moment? Are you only having this issue when importing CSS via Import/Export operation?

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Johhny,


My apologies for the delay in response. I was swamped with projected related issues.

I am running on version 14 and everything fails when I load via the Export/Import feature.

I have exported data from the old version and copied each and pasted on the exported file and it still fails.