Could not connect VPN from Desktop PC, but can connect through Laptop. i've tried disabling anti-virus, but won't help. Please help
Failed to get configuration because Cisco secure client cannot confirm it is connected to your secure gateway
Cisco secure client was not able to establish a connection to yhe specified secure gateway
15:36:30 Ready to connect.
15:36:32 Contacting ../vpnc.
15:39:45 Ready to connect.
16:37:21 Contacting ../vpnc.
16:38:00 User credentials entered.
16:38:00 Establishing VPN session...
16:38:01 The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader is performing update checks...
16:38:01 Checking for profile updates...
16:38:04 Connection attempt has failed.
16:42:02 Contacting ../vpnc.
16:42:08 User credentials entered.
16:42:09 Establishing VPN session...
16:42:09 The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader is performing update checks...
16:42:09 Checking for profile updates...
16:42:39 Connection attempt has failed.