I have a simple setup cisco 4948 connected to a cisco 2960 X series.
I have the P2P links configured as trunk ports.
Cisco 4948 Gi1/48 ----> cisco 2960 X series Gi1/48
I have a viavi traffic generator connected on cisco 2960 gi1/45, my question is if I can send traffic from port gi1/45 to the cisco 4948 Gi1/48 and have the traffic sent back through the same port that it has received it.
Cisco 2960 X series:
int gi1/45
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20
int gi1/48
switchport access vlan 20
switchport trunk encapsulaton dot1q
switchport mode trunk
Cisco 4948:
int gi1/48
switchport access vlan 20
switchport trunk encapsulaton dot1q
switchport mode trunk
is there a way to have a physical loop on cisco 4948 side and have the traffic sent back to cisco 2960 which is actually sending the traffic to cisco 4948?