Hello support community,
currently we have the following problem or task.
We would like to query viA API on https://apx.cisco.com/cs/api
Call up the service contracts belonging to our customer ID, including the associated detailed information.
For this we have made the following API calls:
> curl -X GET -s -k -H "Accept: application / json" -H "Authorization: Bearer Nn4r6s7Nk4abH3gPRjKApbXvPwhh" https://apx.cisco.com/cs/api/v1/customer-info/customer-details
At this call we receive the following information.
{"data": [{"customerId": 2135894, "customerName": "SECOND GERMAN TELEVISION COMMON-BENEFIT INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC LAW", "streetAddress1": "ZDF-STR. 1", "streetAddress2": null, "streetAddress3": null, "streetAddress4": null, "city": "MAINZ", "state": null, "country": "DE", "zipCode": "55127", "theaterCode": "EMEAR"}]}
If we try now with our customer ID
\> curl -X GET -s -k -H "Accept: application / json" -H "Authorization: Bearer Nn4r6s7Nk4abH3gPRjKApbXvPwhh" https://apx.cisco.com/cs/api/v1/contracts/contract-details?customerId = 2135894
However, this query does not provide any information about our existing service contracts
{"data": []}
If we send a similar query using the serial number of a device, it works perfectly.
For example this one:
https://api.cisco.com/sn2info/v2/coverage/status/serial_numbers/ GenealogieFXS2345Q2RW}
Who can help us solve the Problem?
Many Thanks
best regards