i keep getting a 502 error using the provided URL, basic auth, etc of Public URL: devnetsandboxiosxe.cisco.comUsername: adminPassword: C1sco12345RESTCONF port: 443
I Followed the link to https://devnetsandbox.cisco.com/DevNet/catalog/Catalyst-Center-Always-On_catalyst-center-always-onto access - Catalyst Center Always-On v2.3.3.6The link in the instruction : https://sandboxdnac.cisco.comThis page prompts for u...
I am using CBTNuggets studying for my DevNet Associate certification. I am connected to the Open "NX-OS Programmability AlwaysOn" DevNet Sandbox environment so that I can interact with NETCONF, RESTCONF, and NX-OS API operations on a Nexus 9000 devic...
Hello Sandbox Team, I remember that Cisco had provided sandbox support for ROOM OS devices a year ago. However, when i list of supported sandboxes now, i cannot find a sandbox for RoomOS. What happened? Do i miss visiting a link on the website? Regar...
This is my first DevNet attempt, and there is something I am missing.I go to the DevNet site and launch the FMC resource, says it will take a few minutes, and I'll receive an email once complete.1st email, states it is building my environment2nd give...
Hi @All , On Friday last, we experienced an issue with our backed infrastructure which we are still working on. The weekend timing did not help so its taking longer than expected to correct fully. However we are making good progress and decided to o...
Hello, inside the ACI Simulator 6.0 "Operation Hub page", there is a link to this file: https://sandbox-gitlab.cisco.com/torque/blueprints/aci-simulator/-/blob/main/instructions/APIC-Simulator-Reservation-Instructions.pdf that is the guide for that ...
Looks like someone changed the banners on the ios xe always on device. Also, can't make any rest api calls to it (for now).I hope we can get the reserved ones back up soon... ➜ ~ ssh admin@devnetsandboxiosxe.cisco.com You are accessing a U.S. Gover...
Is there any way to get v4.8 of anyconnect when using Sandbox? When starting up an environment it gives us a link to download anyconnect but only v4.7. With v4.7 I ran into issues with vpnagentd certificate issues which I found was resolved in v4.8. ...
Hi All, The DevNet sandbox is currently experiencing an issue spinning up new environments. We are on it and will update this thread when fixed. New spinups are not possible at this time. Any existing "Active" sandboxes are not affected. Apologies ...