Hi All, The DevNet sandbox is currently experiencing an issue spinning up new environments. We are on it and will update this thread when fixed. New spinups are not possible at this time. Any existing "Active" sandboxes are not affected. Apologies ...
I am using the Devnet sandbox with the ACI simulator. When I do pushes with Terraform I loose connectivity to the APIC. Pings stop working. I need to understand if this is an issue with the simulator or something I would see in production. How do...
For some reason not able to login to Sandboxapic server. After entering username and password. Change Password Popup box pops up and cannot go through it. Did anyone able to get this resolved.
Someone must have changed a security setting or something because now when I try to login it says the password has to be changed. Can someone reset the sandbox? https://sandboxapicdc.cisco.com
I have been having issues logging into the CML web interface. I logged in successfully at first, then I got logged out and can't seem to be able to log back in. I have reopened a new session several times, I have no conflicting VPNs, I am successfull...
Hi @All First of all, Happy new year to our community. We are really looking forward to 2025. We have experienced an issue during our annual shutdown with labs not spinning up. A few of you have let us know and we have put the site into maintenance. ...
When launching a sandbox, it is saying Environment Creation Failed and: "could not complete your request because of an internal error". This error occurs for Collaboration 14, Cisco Emergency Responder, Packaged Contact Center Enterprise.We are devel...
I've tried to run CML in sandbox several times today, but the sandbox could not complete the request because of an internal error. Does anyone know anything about that?
I reserved a CML sandbox, similar to a few I had done over the summer and when I tried to import the saved configuration file I was greeted with the following message: "Failed: Error importing topology file: Node n0 Spine-1 definition nxosv9000 not f...
Hi,I am executing https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/BRKDEV-1368/blob/master/netconf/example4.py on the Always On sandboxI have amended the following(1) device_info.pyios_xe1 = {"address": "devnetsandboxiosxe.cisco.com","port": 830,"username": "admin","p...
Hello,I already created a sandbox environment.I did enter in Ubuntu (Windows subsystem): openconnect devnetsandbox-usw1-reservatand entered credentials. Connection is fine.But when entering: sudo ssh cisco@ (address of R1) I am getting: s...
the ise in this lab doesnt communicate with the switches (default config on the switch, i didnt change anything)i open the cml and do ping fromsw1 g0/0 vrf Mgmt-vrf to catalist center its workwhen i ping to ise doent work and...
Hello,I'm writing a client that interacts with Broadworks call center features and I need a softphone client (or something similar) that supports extended call center features provided by Broadworks (agent login/logout and related states) and feature...
I must me trying to download the wrong VPN client. I have a Windows 10 Home Edition. From Cisco email, I am told to download Cisco Secure Client 5, but from that page, I am not sure which package to download. All the ones I attempt tell me I need ...