Community Awards and Recognition Blogs

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Blog Articles

2018 - Lithy Award for B2B Community Innovator

Lithium has awarded the Cisco Community with the 2018 Lithy award in the category of B2B Community Innovator. Every year, since 2010, Lithium recognizes and honors the global brands who are deliverin...


July 2015 - Recognized by Search Engine Journal (SEJ)

Cisco Support Community monthly and “All-Time” Leaderboard program was referenced as a best practice in community engagement in this highly respected best-in-industry guide. Launched in 2003, SEJ is ...


2013 - Webby Award: Honoree in Customer Service

The Cisco Support Community is proud to have been named Honoree in Customer Service for our seamless service through social media. This is an award given to the top 15% of the 11,000+ entries receive...


2012 - SiteIQ Mobile iPad App Winner

SiteIQ Website evaluators, analysts, and professional nitpickers evaluate B2B Websites and publish all of the best practices and moments of brilliance in their Case Studies Library. The Cisco Support...


2012 - W³ Silver Award for General Website/Community

The W³ Awards honors creative excellence on the web, and recognizes the creative and marketing professionals behind award winning sites, marketing programs, and video work created for the web. In hon...


2012 - Forrester Groundswell: B2B Mobile App Award

Forrester Research, Inc. (FORR) is an independent research company that provides pragmatic and forward-thinking advice to global leaders in business and technology. The awards presented represent the...

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