Hello to all participants attending Developer Days in Stockholm.
If you're keen to get started with Crosswork Workflow Manager, join us for a hands on lab where you will get to experience all aspects of CWM.
CWM Getting Started Lab (3h)
Instructor: Christoffer Eggeborn (
@ceggebor), Software Engineering Technical Leader, Cisco
Jay Kurji (
@kjay), Software Engineering Technical Leader, Cisco
Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024
Time: 10:30-14:30
Capacity: 7 participants
Room: Sun Dragon
In this lab you will get hands on experience with all aspects CWM. You will be guided step-by-step getting a chance to try out:
* Creating workflow definitions
* Using SDK to develop adatpers
* Using XDK to autogenerate adapters for NSO and Open API
* Administrating CWM, managing resources & secret, deploying adapters.
* Executing workflows, inspecting progress & results.
To attend this lab, please login to the
Event Page. Click on Modify Registration, follow through to the end and select CWM Getting Started Lab to register.
We look forward to meeting you at Automation Developer Days!