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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Terms and Conditions for Cisco Employees and Vendors:
Use of Delivery Collaboration Portal (

Use of Cisco’s Delivery Collaboration Portal (hereafter referred to as DCP) is governed by Cisco’s Terms of Use and the Terms & Conditions, as well as additional policies mandated by Cisco Services. Please read and agree, before continuing into DCP. 

All Cisco policies and guidelines apply to DCP, including but not limited to the following:

Files stored in DCP are classified as ‘Cisco Highly Confidential’. For the list of restrictions and handling measures for this data classification type, please see:

Use of DCP via Handheld Devices

Additionally, DCP files that are temporarily stored on and/or shared via handheld computing devices must comply with Cisco's Data Protection Standard and Information Classification Policy. Trusted Device Standard applies to all devices, whether owned or leased by Cisco, the employee, or a third party. A trusted device is one that has the appropriate security controls enabled, allowing Cisco to trust that device on its network and with its data. If your device is lost or stolen, please report your lost or stolen device.

Using Plugins, Add-ons, and Extensions

All Cisco data policies and guidelines, including these Terms and Conditions, apply when using plugins, add-ons, and extensions with DCP.

Posting Guidelines for Discussions in DCP

The Posting Guidelines contain policies, guidelines, best practices, and procedures for participation in activities enabled by the Discussions feature in DCP:

  • Reflecting Cisco Values: When participating in discussions, be familiar with applicable Cisco policies.
  • Keep it clean, keep it professional: Every post should stay on topic and provide relevant, insightful information or ask important questions in a polite and mature fashion. Steer clear of unrelated topics.
  • Appropriate netiquette:  Avoid excessive use of typographic symbols, special characters, emoticons, and instant messaging slang to make posts easier to understand.
  • Respect the privacy of others: Do not post anything that includes another user's personal information.
  • Copyrights & Trademarks: Obtain permission before posting copyrighted information and give credit to third parties.
  • Keep marketing efforts separate: Please refrain from submitting any content you've been paid for or otherwise rewarded for by a third party to write.
  • Correct your mistakes: If you make a mistake, don't try to hide it; be open and honest and let your audience know about it.
  • Responding to negative comments: Be professional and respectful even if you receive a negative comment.

Posting Guidelines listed above are intended to provide general guidance. Compliance with these guidelines does not, in and of itself, release you from obligations that arise as an employee or partner of Cisco, including but not limited to your obligation to comply with the other policies and any additional guidance or instructions provided by Cisco under separate covers.

Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions implies you have read and understood them and agree to abide by them. Violation of the provisions in this Terms and Conditions may result in disciplinary action up to revocation of system access and termination of employment for Cisco employees.

Cisco reserves the right to modify or eliminate any or all parts of these Terms and Conditions.

You'd be invited again to accept these Terms and Conditions once per year as well as when there are materially significant updates to them.

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